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Keeping Up-to-date

Since Native Instruments have moved to a new forum format, it seems people are no longer getting notifications like they use to so you may be missing update information... 

If you are like me you may have mixed feelings about the new NI forum. While the clean look is nice (when you apply some extra CSS styling to remove some of the stuff) the performance is a huge step backward and I don't feel confident this will ever change.   

When I would post updates on the forum anyone subscribed to the thread would be notified but it appears this is no longer the case if you don't have your settings right so I am investing more time on other platforms to try and keep people updated since I get asked questions that I have already posted answers to often so if you are interested in new NKS libraries or updates to existing ones, read on.


The New forum thread for all discussions related to any Freelance Soundlabs NKS library can be found Here:

You can also follow my Facebook page for the latest news and releases:

I post any updates or new releases to these platforms as they are released so if you want to know immediately, subscribe to these platforms. I also send out a monthly newsletter but have noted some email domains reject the mail at the server level so you may never receive it. 

I never really maintained the news updates on this site as people never really checked but I have started to put all news in these update posts so you can see what has been released and where. 

A new feature I am also working on is a status page of all the current instruments I am considering or working on and the status of NKS development so you can easily see what is in the works and where I am at. Will see how much work this is to maintain but something I feel will help people know what to expect. 

If you feel I should be posting on other social sites let me know. I'm not much of a social app kind of user, I just don't have the time/interest but if it's easier to receive news on Twitter or Reddit or whatever I guess I can figure out how to drive them. 





Last modified on Wednesday, 11 May 2022 09:43

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