September 28, 2023
So as many of you reading this now know a new hardware keyboard is about to be released, the Komplete Kontrol MK3 along with a new version of software and there is a buzz of questions around what this means for current and future libraries so I thought I would try cover all the questions I am being asked daily so if I have flicked you a simple link after your question saying “Read This” and you are now reading this page, welcome, I mean only the best but do answer the same questions over a few times so here is what I can answer currently.
There are some nice new features for what is being called “NKS2” and this is basically just a new layer of function on top of existing NKS functionality. The new features (which I am yet to see) are all for developers to integrate into their libraries and at this stage, there is no way for users to access these features for their NKS libraries but we are always working to find out a way to do things so who knows. the good thing is that none of this breaks anything that currently works so users can enjoy all the same functionality offered by our libraries but there are some updates to come…
Will current NKS libraries work with the new software and MK3 keyboards?
The current NKS libraries developed by Freelance Soundlabs and other creators will all still function in the same way as they do now.
Is there any updates needed to the current libraries?
While the NKS libraries still work as you expect, the MK3 keyboard now has a new large display and there is now different artwork that can display on the screen when you load an instrument. Work is already being done to update these image files for libraries and this will be available to users to download the new artwork where needed for free, tho it may take some months to update all libraries.
I heard there are some new NKS features such as”grouped pages”, controller icons and constantly scroll parameters instead of page-by-page. Will these features be available?
We wont know for sure until the new software is fully released and can be tested but the new features are not available to user created NKS files, only to developers but if we find a way to do it then some libraries may be updated to include these new features.
Will I need to update all my libraries when the new software is released?
No! The only thing you will need to (optionally) update is adding a new image if you use the MK3 keyboard. You can even do this yourself and I will be looking at making a simple video explaining the files and the update at some stage.
If you will be using the current MK2 S series or A/M series keyboards with the new software then you do not need to worry about a thing, it all works just as it does already.
If I am using an MK2 keyboard do I need to update to the V3 software?
As I understand from what has been said on the AMA forum, the new NKS2 features are only available to the MK3 keyboard and so there is no need for users using previous keyboards to have to update and possibly both V2 and V3 of the software will be available to choose from which will be important since MK1 users cannot use the new software with their keyboards and since it looks like it is a whole different design, some may simply not like the new software out of hte gate.
I am still using an MK1 keyboard, how does this affect me?
Well none of this will affect MK1 users because the MK1 is not supported by the new software so you will still be using your keyboard with the current software as normal.