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Freelance Soundlabs NKS News May 2024

Freelance Soundlabs NKS News May 2024

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Hello Visitor 


Here are the latest updates and releases for this month. Work is currently being done to finish the last of UVI compatibility before updating Roland Cloud libraries next month. 

NOW AVAILABLE: Moog Mariana NKS Library 

moog mariana splash image

NKS Library for Moog Mariana, fully tagged, sound previews, database/artwork files and full controller map (see the readme pdf for a full controller reference list). This release supports VST3 and includes support files for the latest MK3 keyboard.


NOW AVAILABLE: Air Music Drumsynth

airmusic drumsynth nks splash800

Library available for the latest Air Music Drumsynth (not to be confused with the older Drumsynth500 which is also available but the plugin is only VST2 compatible).

Covers all presets and allows control over all channel volume, pan, mute/solo, instrument select/mode, send effects

NOW AVAILABLE: UVI Quadra Traveler

uvi quadratraveler nks splash800

This library contains all preset sounds for the Quadra Traveler instrument from UVI. Presets are provided with detailed controller map that covers most of the available controls as well as sound preview files and library artwork for the NKS browser. These presets can be opened in either UVI Workstation or Falcon (both are downloaded and can be selected to install depending which instrument host you use). Refer to the included PDF for a full controller reference list.


NOW AVAILABLE: UVI Quadra Traveler

uvi xtremefxii nks splash800

Library now available for the Xtreme FX II instrument from UVI. Provides presets for all sounds with banks created for all sound categories. Full controller mapping, tags, artwork and sound files.



gforce dmx nks splash800

NKS library now available for GForce DMX that covers all presets. Banks have been created for the Classic/Hybrid style kits and all tagging available in the DMX plugin has been ported over to NKS equivalent tagging. Full controller map covers all available controls.



VST2 / VST3 Library Compatibility Status List

If you wish to know what libraries support VST3, which ones will auto migrate between VST2/VST3, visit this link:

Library Artwork Updates for MK3 Keyboard

For those that may have missed the memos about this, be aware that the MK3 keyboard has some new image asset requirements for the display of artwork on its screen which needs to be updated in every past library. All libraries released and updated from November of last year will have this artwork included. Libraries before November of last year are slowly being updated and you can download just the required image files for these from a shared Google Drive here: 





The work we do to support NKS for plugins is directly related to the support of users. Your purchase of our libraries is what helps to develop further libraries and is appreciated. If you feel you would  like to help further, feel free to donate.

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Update News / Facebook / Forum

The forum thread for all discussions related to any Freelance Soundlabs NKS library can be found Here:

You can also follow my Facebook page for the latest news and releases:

I post about all the latest releases and updates on these channels as things are done so if you are keen to know immediately when updates and releases are available then please follow these channels. I typically send this update email at the start of each month. 


Feedback / Requests / Questions? 

If you have any issues with any libraries, feedback about how useful/not useful these libraries are or any instruments/plugins to request NKS for simply reply to this email with your suggestions as the more we receive on certain products, the more likely they will be considered tho we can't invest in them all. I typically reply to every email but can occasionally miss one so don't hesitate to get in contact again. 


Recent Releases

kk nks category

nepheton 2 splash avenger 2 splash
lush2 splash
 cr78 splashgforce vsm iv splash nexus 4 splash image

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